First off Nativity plays and Christmas shows. There was a memorable afternoon when all three children did something, one after the other but in multiple locations which made the logistics a little challenging. As we rushed out of Georgia's carol service to get to Faversham in time for Raff's play to start the headteacher made a pointed comment about "people who will send their kids to different schools" - humorously-ish meant, but slightly barbed as he has always been annoyed that the boys stayed on at E/rd when it became a Primary school instead of moving them to join G. But as the amazing Christmas extravaganza by E/rd showed once again, it is quite simply the most magical, creative and unique school I have ever come across and I wouldn't have them anywhere else!
So, that memorable afternoon started with Stan's play called " A Christmas Recipe" - the Christmas story well hidden in amongst songs and dances all making up the "ingredients" for Christmas. Stan was a present!

Then we raced home for supper before G's very trad carol service with some really beautiful singing - she is particularly thrilled to now be singing the descant in 'O come all ye....' like her Granny always does. There was to be a candle lit lantern thing outside afterwards but we had to jump in the motor and whizz down to Faversham for the first ever E/rd Junior school Christmas show. Being Ethelbert road, no small measures - a performance by 8 yr olds of A Christmas Carol. Stunning of course, and Charlie Francis - the biggest boy at school in every way, played a fantastic Scrooge.

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