The final part of the agenda was a drive up the coast to Mablethorpe to visit a series of modern beach huts which were designed by artists and architects in an open competition. The one I really wanted to see was Jabba the Hut, as I thought the boys would have been tickled - their StarWars mania is undiminished Unfortunately Jabba nestles in some sand dunes half a mile away from the prom and we didn't have time, but we did see a couple of others. I have never been to Lincolnshire before and was struck the incredible beauty of the coast, miles and miles of sand and dunes stretching all the way to Grimsby with very little to interrupt the view. I would like to go back, but can't see M being persuaded.
Found this picture of Jabba on the Guardian's site

Not sure I will rush back to Butlins though- the accommodation was fine, comfortable and clean - but the food was appalling - never have so many hydrogenated fats, msg and flavour enhancers been eaten in such a short space of time. Also the scale and noise of the place really got to me after 24 hours.
1 comment:
At last looked at a map.It is further from London than I had thought . I had visited Lincolnshire in my hospice days and remembered it as being quite close. All relative so to speak. All I remember was the incredible flatness. Would have liked to see the coast.Bet you wanted to take the beach hut back to your part of the world. A project for Michael perhaps after the tree house years?!
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