I had 3 tons of mushroom compost delivered on Friday - it is quite a big old pile you'll agree.

Have spent all day in the glorious sunshine applying it to the garden. It's a slowish process, not because it's hard work but because I go along I keep finding things that need moving, or tidying or weeding . One particular clump of bluebells precipitated the start of a whole new 'spring garden' which will look spectacular next year I hope with crocus, bluebells, daffs and forget-me-nots. I am going to over-plant them with a mix of hazels and dogwoods and then we won't see the chicken run from the house.

A 'first' always logged on this blog is the first lunch of the year outside and today was it. Hooray! Often it is Easter weekend when we make poor unsuspecting guests eat their roast lamb in the sun but often with a chilly wind. Today it was just us and bread and cheese and really warm sun for lunch and a very happy me
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