The pallourdes were just a start! We have well and truly got the bug for free food! Just back from a wander in the woods where we gathered loads of plums and damsons from some groaning trees in the copse near our house. The previous day Raff and I had gathered blackberries, more damsons and elderberries. So I had fun in the kitchen and have so far made, elder and blackberry jelly, plum pie and damson sorbet - seriously yummy recipe from Monty Don book. Plus there is a big bowl of plums left over on the table.

Soon the wild apple trees out on the sea wall will be ready to pick, and this may be the year that we learn about foraging for wild mushrooms.
1 comment:
Wot, no sea foraging? What about flotsam and jetsam for furniture, fixtures and fittings?
Did you also manage any razor fish in France. You look for the little holes in the sand and put a bit of salt on them. When the razor pops its head up for air, you grab it - then boil!
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