He's done it again, Michael the wonder-builder has made Raff a fabulous new bed. Using the old storage units from our room as a base (which now means an unorthodox approach to clothes storage for us)

Meanwhile my darling is making a whole new built in cupboard for our clothes so that we can have the spare bed back... I am reminded of the amazing dressing room which he constructed for our first flat which was genius!
The DIY skills also had a new outlet in Saturday night when Michael and I indulged our passion for sushi by preparing oursleves a sushi feast. With some really yummy tuna from our local fish man and salmon too, we had sushi rolls, sashimi and Nigiri. I think we may have made a little too much...but I ate most of it and was a truly happy lady (it doesn't take much!) Here's our proud selection

As a footnote to my last post, global warming brought huge benefits yesterday when i picked 2kg of raspberries from one of the fields near us, I finally caught up with the farmer to find out why it hadn't been picked all summer - they are trial varieties apparently - well I think they're all yummy, some are the size of loganberries, so big helpings all round and then 7 jars of free jam - hooray. I hope to get one more picking session in before the cold weather really hits. Stan and I had fun making Sloe vodka last week - I pricked the sloes (7 times each is apparently the tradition) and he popped them into the bottles. It will be ready for Christmas 2007! So we can be self suffcient in jam and vodka, not exactly a balanced diet?
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