Another beautiful day, a few clouds in the morning gave way to a stunning summer day. Stan and I went off to an outdoor swimming pool in Khandalla - free if you please! in a wonderful park at the base of a gorge leading up to Mount Kau Kau. I said to Sasha later about something else, but it could have applied to this too, that one of the striking things about Wellington is how civilised it is, and this was yet another example. Charming staff - not your usual surly lifeguards; loads of free toys and floaties in the kids pool, wonderful surroundings and did I mention free already!!

It was a bit chilly in the main pool for us to swim but the kids pool was fine for Stan to splosh about in for a hour, whilst I lapped up the gorgeous rays. Sasha came to get us after Pippa's gym class and we tootled home for lunch,

not before Stan had fully investigated the playground

with a wonderful wiggly slide - he is fearless and hilarious!

After lunch a fab adventure to collect Oliver on the ferry across the harbour to Days Bay, so another opportunity to see the 'world boats' as Oliver calls them up close.

On the way over we sat on the top deck, open to the elements which was great fun, but rather scarey at times as Stan wanted to peer over the sides as I said, he is fearelss.

On the way back we all sat down below and he loved watching the wake streaming out behind us. After a quick look at the boats,

Richard wants to bring O down for a proper look tomorrow, we all walked up to the staion to catch the train home again - Stan feels like a proper commuter now. The kids had a fantastically messy supper, pasta with sauce - most of which was in hair or up noses, then finished off with home made orange lollies which added to the 'creativity with food club!' so a much needed bath with lots of bubbles and off to bed prompltly as Sasha and I are off out.
So the girls are off on the razzle - or something! to a rather nice looking place
http://www.arbitrageur.co.nz/ I found online when I was in the UK - we'll see if we can chat up any of those lovely sailors!!
ahem. cough. frown. disparaging look.
stan looks so grown up! will he want to come back, I don't think so!! love granny xx
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