Taxi driver dropped us off at Cresswell. Stunning. We walked down onto the vast beach and then out along a small concrete causeway to the rock pools. Pootled, in silence, no wind, not a sound. After a while and having paid no attention to the tide we decided to head back, in very timely fashion! The tide was up almost to the top of the pathway...would have been an embarrassing news story.

We set off along the sand with no plan. Walked and talked and collected sea glass and pebbles. A really wonderful way to clear our heads for the week ahead. After an hour or so we ambled back, the sun now on our faces and the occasional spit and spot of rain; the more impressive stuff was (luckily) over the sea.

Cresswell has only one shop -
Cresswell Ices - so we settled down to a hearty lunch of ice cream and tea

They also have an intriguing looking castle/tower - nothing like as impressive as
Bamburgh up thew coast, but our own challenge. It was set back in a field full of sheep and behind a high-ish wall. Curious and unstoppable we set off and were soon climbing the wall and hopping down the other sde (Kids, don't do this xx)

There was a path disappearing off through the surrounding wood so we set off imagining it might loop back to the village. Instead we suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a vast caravan park, looking decidedly out of place.