For me a turning point in the garden is when we can eat our lunch outside. Even on pretty chilly days in the winter my desire for a little sun on my face means you can find me sitting on the kitchen step, clutching a coffee and wearing a thick coat, but to able to sit outside and enjoy lunch means Spring is really here and summer is coming.
As it is the Easter holidays we have had a steady stream of visitors for lunch, Fran and the boys from Hackney, Louise and Flora, Annie and Alice and we have managed to create a little haven out of the wind in the sun, around the corner between kitchen and living room. The first of these saw a typical 'Granny Anne' moment, as I was suddenly struck with the idea of eating outside - which required the table to be laid - but first moved, and a spot of pruning (obviously!!). Fran stood by in slight bemusement and I think Louis and Dexter thought I really had gone mad - as far as they are aware no one ever needed secateurs to lay the table before! But is was all done quickly and we settled down to lunch - the sun went in for a while, but it was
really great to be doing it! Then this

week Louise and Flora, much better weather and a more relaxed affair - no gardeing needed. Michael on seeing the pictures announced that it looks a tip still, so today before our lunch guests arrived, I made Choc brownies, roasted a chicken and swept up all the leaves and moved the Christmas tree - finally; let's see if he even notices!

The fab weather has also meant lots of lovely walks along the sea wall and a new one around the back of the horses field, where Georgia and Flora had a great time playing over a bridge whilst Stan, Raff, Louise and I ambled slowly on - Raff spent much of the time on his belly - we thought SAS, he says he was being a slug!
This weekend is Easter and so we have a reasonably packed calendar, Katy and Kev Fri, Sophie and Caspar Sat and a big lunch on Sunday - I imagine the Easter Bunny will put in an appearance!

Poor old Mouse was spayed on Monday, so she has been feeling very below par and upset about being confined to her crate, these pics were taken on Sunday when she was still allowed to bounce!